How to discover your Migraine Triggers - Blog 3

What are common migraine triggers?

Migraine triggers are grouped in 4 different areas.

  • Diet: example, red wine or seed oil
  • Sensory: example, loud noises or air pressure
  • Habits: example, work stress or lack of sleep
  • Biology: example, hormone imbalance or overweight

Knowing your triggers is the first return punch you should use when fighting toward a head pain free life. Below you will find info on how to find them. After you discover them, you can use this knowledge combined with quick pain fixes to manage things. The real object however is in correcting the problem. We will help you do it. But for now let’s help you find your triggers.

Here is a link to get our free migraine triggers score sheet. 

How can I find my migraine triggers?

We suggest using the above list with a little journal pad. Then when you begin to feel the onset of a migraine write down EVERYTHING you can think of… What time, where, what you ate or drank in the last hour, what the weather is, what your mood is, if there was loud sounds, if you took medications, any smells etc etc. Then review it after about 5 or more migraines and you will find your triggers really well.

So if you know of someone who gets regular migraines or severe intermittent ones, do them a favor and tell them about our website. Even if they don’t purchase our product, they can benefit from our research and learn the cure for most migraines. Truly they will thank you. Migraines steal so much from our life. It stole from mine and I can assure you, If someone gave me this information years ago, I would have been profusely grateful. Information is free, please share.

Information is free. Please share this with someone you think it could help. I wish someone told me. Here is a link to get our free migraine triggers score sheet.