Why no one told you about the cure for migraines - Blog 2

They didn’t know?  or  They didn’t care?

They are two groups of people that could have told you about the cure for migraines. The first group could be your friends and family and well meaning medical practitioners. These would have told you if they knew but they didn’t for whatever reason. Most of us just repeat the line that migraines are mysterious and you just need to deal with them. In deed, I thought this was true for years. I had to figure out and learn by research that most migraines are caused from the same issues. And most of these issues have simple and cheap solutions. Which brings us to the second group of people that could have told us.

They didn’t care?

Those who knew the solution but didn’t bother telling us because there was very little profit in it. These are some medical professionals who are too lazy to study the problem of migraine sufferers and others like Big Pharma. Big Pharma unfortunately, as we saw during the last several years, does not want us to be healthy. They prefer hiding the simple cures and healthy lifestyle habits because they make no profit on healthy people. Migraines have a similar cause to heart and stroke problems. Those are extremely profitable to Big Pharma.

Information is free. Please share this with someone you think it could help. I wish someone told me. Here is a link to get our free migraine triggers score sheet. subscribepage.io/Brain_Dance_Migraine_Triggers